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Florida State University Teaching Experience


While working towards my Doctorate at Florida State University, I have had the opportunity to teach a wide-range of courses the last several years. I have taught both levels of composition, most recently teaching a section of ENC1101 during the Summer of 2014, and five different literature courses. I have taught two genre-specific survey courses (Introduction to the Short Story and Introduction to Fiction), both British and American literature surveys in my time period of specialization (American Authors Since 1875 and British Authors: 1790 to Present). Additionally, I was afforded the opportunity to teach a Major Figures in American Literature course on the Lost Generation including texts by Stein, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Dos Passos, and Crane. 


ENC1101 (One Section)



Course Webpage



ENC1102 (Five Sections)





LIT2020 (Six Sections)


Syllabus 1

Syllabus 2

Syllabus 3



AML3041 (Three Sections)





AML3311: The Lost Generation (One Section)





LIT2010: The City in Literature (Two Sections)





ENL2022 (One Section)








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